Community Network Webinars and Events!

Hello @Bionyi! Thanks so much for this notice! I very much look forward to attending the Summit session on Wednesday.

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Imagine living in a society in which most of the land and buildings available for meeting and working were owned by a few for-profit corporations. Churches, governments, groups of friends, schools, nonprofits, and grassroots social movements would each have to reserve space on – or have a key to – a privately-owned facility, often on a large corporate campus, in order to meet and work together. It would be a society with no domed capitol buildings, city halls, temples, open campuses, public parks, community centers, or nonprofit spaces.

Fortunately, this is not the society we live in, but it does describe the online spaces where our digital information is stored and where much of contemporary life - including civil society action - now takes place. This scenario is inherently threatening to democracies, in which free expression and public participation presuppose people have both the ability and space to assemble outside of corporate or government monitoring.

Please join us in Reclaiming Digital Infrastructure for the Public Interest This is a 3-part series to build awareness, intention, and engagement in an ecosystem of ideas and practices that could bring into being digital infrastructure that aligns with community aspirations, protects personal and group safety, and prioritizes people, communities, and a public good.

The three part series will take place on:

The first session features Ethan Zuckerman making a case for digital public infrastructure He will join in conversation with activists and policy advocates who approach these ideas through the lens of equity, indigeneity, and public responsibility. All of the sessions will include time for participation by attendees.

The second session features John Gastil and Todd Davies?s proposal for a Corporation for Public Software They will be in conversation with experts on regulatory, legal, and conceptual approaches to how we think about infrastructure.

Laura DeNardis will join in conversation with Beatrice Martini for the third session. They will consider the internet as an ?on/off? switch and how the digitization of physical systems and places influences our most fundamental rights. They will be joined by experts building physical/digital alternatives. This session will include breakouts to give participants time to discuss potential paths forward.

KeNOG Webinar 4 - Wireless ISPs and Wireless Community Networks
held on 8th of October 2020

  • Josephine Miliza (
  • Irene Misoi (Lanet Umoja Community Network)
  • Barrack Otieno (AHERI Community Network)
  • Martin Kanyora (ChuiNet Ltd)
  • Phillip Malala (Previously running RamsaWiFi, now Telecoms consulting)

Check out the webinar here:

Kenya School of Internet Governance (KESIG)

26-28 Oct 2020

Will feature digital inclusion and community networks

India School on Internet Governance (InSIG 2020)
7-10 Oct 2020
Presentation on Community Networks was made by Dr Sarbani Belur

CITEL (Inter-American Telecommunication Commission)

​​37 Meeting of PCC.I
The 37 Meeting of the PCC.I will be held remotely from October 26 to 30, 2020 with simultaneous interpretation in two languages (Spanish and English).

Draft Agenda includes:

4. Working Group reports and meetings:

4.1 Working Group 1: Working Group on Policy and Regulation (WGPR)
4.1.1` Rapporteurship on protecting the rights of telecommunication services users
4.1.2 Rapporteurship on telecommunication service quality
4.1.3 Rapporteurship on economic aspects of telecommunication/ICTs
4.1.4 Rapporteurship on Broadband, universal access, digital inclusion and gender equality
4.1.5 Rapporteurship on conformance, fraud and illegal or irregular mobile terminal
devices control

4.2 Working Group 2: Working Group on Deployment of Technologies and Services
4.2.1 Rapporteurship on disaster prevention, response and mitigation, ICT and climate change, environmental protection and circular economy.
4.2.2 Rapporteurship on interoperability, infrastructure, connectivity, numbering, services and applications, including Internet and international connectivity.
4.2.3 Rapporteurship on cybersecurity, privacy and data protection, vulnerability assessment and confidence building.
4.2.4 Rapporteurship on technological innovation, digital economy, Internet of Things, smart cities and communities.

Rural ICT Camp (Indonesia)
Hosted by Common Room Networks Foundation
12-14 Oct
Features the community network in Kasepuhan Ciptagelar

Presentations on CNs in Myammar and India

This year’s Summit on Community Networks in Africa is being held virtually. Two have already passed, three to go.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Community networks on the web

Del 19 al 21 de noviembre se desarrollará el 1° Congreso Nacional de Radios Comunitarias en México, con la finalidad de abrir espacios para la recuperación, análisis e intercambio de ideas de cómo las radios ciudadanas han venido generando sus propias experiencias de comunicación.

Habrá ponencias, conversatorios y talleres muy interesantes. Tres conferencias magistrales (Aleida Calleja, José Ignacio López Vigil y Carlos Baca).

Se puede consultar la información en: congresonacional

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Webinar on Public Funding for Community Networks in Africa | Webinaire sur le financement public

Hello All,

Français plus bas!

One challenge Community Network Operators face is how to secure funds to grow their Community Networks.

The 3rd Session of the Virtual Summit on Community Networks in Africa examines public funding options such as universal service/access funds that can facilitate Community Network development.

This Session will be the last in 2020 and provides a 30mins interactive social event for participants through the Gather Town online platform. The social event enables participants to connect with each other and explore collaboration and partnership opportunities.

Please register to join the event on 25 November 2020 at 12:00-14:00 UTC:

Warm regards,

Bonjour à tous,

Un problème auquel sont confrontés les opérateurs de réseaux communautaires est de savoir comment obtenir des fonds pour développer les réseaux communautaires.

La 3e session du Sommet virtuel sur les réseaux communautaires en Afrique examine les options de financement public telles que le service universel / les fonds d’accès qui peuvent faciliter le développement de réseaux communautaires.

Cette session sera la dernière en 2020 et propose un événement social interactif de 30 minutes aux participants via la plateforme en ligne Gather Town. L’événement social permet aux participants de se connecter les uns aux autres et d’explorer les opportunités de collaboration et de partenariat.

Veuillez vous inscrire pour participer à l’événement le 25 novembre de 12h00 à 14h00 Temps universel coordonné (UTC):


Israel Bionyi
Communications and Outreach Manager, Africa at the Internet Society

Hi everyone,

the first virtual Wireless Battle of the Meshes - aka WBMv13 will kick off this weekend 14:00 UTC.

It would be great to meet some of you on the bigbluebutton instance generously donated by +40 people have signed up from all around the world.

Maybe wanna come by for an adhoc lightning talk on Sunday?

cheers :smiley:

Friendly reminder: Register to join the webinar on Public Funding for Community Networks in Africa | Rappel amical: inscrivez-vous pour le webinaire sur le financement public pour les réseaux communautaires

Dear All,

Français plus bas!

This is a friendly reminder to register for the third session of the Virtual Summit on Community Networks in Africa, which examines public funding options such as universal service/access funds that can facilitate community network development.

This session will be the last in 2020 and provides a 30-min interactive social event for participants through the Gather Town online platform. Joining the social event enables you to connect with peers and explore collaboration and partnership opportunities.

Please register to join the event on 25 November 2020 at 12:00-14:00 UTC.

Warm regards,

Bonjour à tous,

Ceci est un rappel amical pour vous inscrire à la troisième session du Sommet virtuel sur les réseaux communautaires en Afrique, qui examine les options de financement public telles que le service universel / les fonds d’accès qui peuvent faciliter le développement des réseaux communautaires.

Cette session sera la dernière en 2020 et propose un événement social interactif de 30 minutes aux participants via la plateforme en ligne Gather Town. Rejoindre l’événement social vous permet de vous connecter avec vos pairs et d’explorer les opportunités de collaboration et de partenariat.

Veuillez vous inscrire pour participer à l’événement le 25 novembre 2020 de 12h00 à 14h00 UTC.

Israel Bionyi

Thanks for sharing it, many joined!
Here are the raw recordings:


Looks like a great event:

We invite you to the next session of the X4D Talks on December 15th 1600PST/16th 0530IST to be hosted by Kurtis Heimerl (Assistant Professor, University of Washington) on Community Networks. Our speakers include the following:

Shaddi Hassan
Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech, USA
When Community Meets Commercial
Community networks are often positioned in contrast, or even opposition, to “traditional” commercial networks. In this talk, I will present experiences from developing and implementing systems that attempt to facilitate cooperation between community networks, small-scale ISPs, and commercial mobile operators. These deployments illustrate the tensions and opportunities that exist for these different models of network operation to complement and learn from each other.

Josephine Dionisio
Associate Professor, University of the Philippines
Village Base Station Project
I will share insights from the Village Base Station Project in the Philippines. Our experiences in project implementation reiterate the point that community networks require a corresponding social infrastructure. Its promise as a form of inclusive technology at a scaled-up level may be best realized when the technology package and research design pay more careful attention to appropriate and participatory community organizing approaches.

Kanchana Kanchanasut
Nisarat Tansakul and Adisorn Lertsinsrubtavee Internet Education and Research Lab, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Smart Village with TakNet
In this talk, we will briefly introduce a community network, TakNet, in Thailand. The network was physically set up by student volunteers in 2013 and is now operating by the community with technical support from a research lab, intERLab/AIT. In recent years, TakNet is moving towards smart village with environmental monitoring using IoT (HAZEMON) and distributed ledger services for the community (BaangPun). WIth IoT and distributed ledger infrastructure implanted, exciting applications are expected to follow.

Mark Buell/Jane Coffin
Internet Society

When: December 15th 1600PST/16th 0530IST

X4D Organizers

La Cumbre Argentina de Redes Comunitarias se estará juntando virtualmente en una jornada abierta. Aquí la información:

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Online Event Invite | Sustainable Models for Community Networks

Français ci-dessous

We invite you to “Sustainable Models for Community Networks” on 27 January 2021 starting from 12:00 - 14:00 UTC.

Community networks can be game-changers when addressing connectivity gaps in Africa in 2021. As they try to connect more underserved communities to the Internet, they need robust sustainable models that can withstand the test of time.

This fourth interactive session under the Virtual Summit on Community Networks in Africa explores how community networks can be sustainable.

Register now:

Virtual Summit on Community Networks in Africa Secretariat

PS: If you missed the first three sessions, you can watch the recordings and read the event summaries here:
Session 1: The Path Towards Growing Community Networks in Africa, 30 September 2020
Session 2: For, With, and By the Community, 28 October 2020
Session 3: Public Funding for Community Networks, 25 November 2020

Bonjour à tous,

Nous vous invitons à “Modèles de durabilité pour les réseaux communautaires” le 27 janvier 2021 de 12h00 à 14h00 UTC.

Les réseaux communautaires peuvent changer la donne pour combler les lacunes de connectivité en Afrique en 2021. Alors qu’ils tentent de connecter davantage de communautés mal desservies à Internet, ils ont besoin de modèles de durabilité robustes capables de résister à l’épreuve du temps.

Ce quatrièmesession interactive dans le cadre du sommet virtuel sur les réseaux communautaires en Afrique va explorer comment les réseaux communautaires peuvent être durables.

Inscrivez-vous maintenant:

Secrétariat du sommet virtuel sur les réseaux communautaires en Afrique

PS: Si vous avez manqué les trois premières sessions, vous pouvez regarder les enregistrements et lire les résumés de ces événements ici:

Session 1 : La voie vers le développement des réseaux communautaires en Afrique, 30 septembre 2020
Session 2 : Pour, avec et par la Communauté, 28 octobre 2020
Session 3 : Financement public pour les réseaux communautaires, 25 novembre 2020

Dear everyone,

I hope you and your loved ones are doing well these days.

i am happy to be sharing with you this invitation to participate in a workshop organized by Portal sem Porteiras.
Some of you might be familiar with the work that PSP has been doing on community networks and feminism through a methodology that they have developed through “Nodes that Bond”.

Nodes that Bond is an experimental project of binding technology and women through circles of collective learning. To know more about this project go to:

This free form workshop aims to inspire groups of women to organize themselves within their territories in order to conquer autonomy inside and outside the world of tech.
The first round will take place on the 6th in Portuguese and the second round will take place from the 8th until the 12th in English.

Marcela Guerra and Luisa Bagope from Portal sem Porteiras Community Network want to discuss and ponder over the ways that technology is present in our lives, bring forward alternatives and share this simplicity based method of women getting together to overcome challenges.

If you or a group of women in your community are interested in learning more about this method and eventually replicating it in your own context make sure to register for the workshop at:


O Nós por Nós é um projeto que une mulheres e tecnologia em processo de aprendizado coletivo.
Iniciado em 2019 pelo núcleo de mulheres da Rede Comunitária Portal sem Porteiras, a experiência se deu através de círculos de mulheres nos quais trocamos preciosas informações e desprogramamos medos desatualizados.

Nesse encontro Marcela Guerra e Luisa Bagope irão conversar sobre os caminhos metodológicos que trilharam durante o projeto e apresentar uma apostila de trabalho que pode auxiliar outros grupos de mulheres a experimentar uma forma livre de pensar e viver a tecnologia.

Para se inscrever basta preencher o formulário:

Many CNs use or plan to use educational platforms in their communities.

One of the widespread open source tools that exist out there is Kolibri, and they would be doing an open webinar this January 28th.


As a part of Learning Equality’s mission to build community and share learnings within the Kolibri community, we are launching Kolibri virtual learning spaces. These virtual learning spaces, the first of which will be a webinar, will engage the global Kolibri community in sharing promising practices and becoming more familiar with the possibilities of using Kolibri in your own programs.

Join us on January 28 from 9:30am - 10:30am EST for our first session which will focus on how organizations have adapted their educational programs using Kolibri during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are excited to hear from speakers represented by the following organizations. Each of these organizations was using Kolibri before the pandemic, but with social distancing and school closures, they each took different approaches to adapting their programming, which will be shared during this discussion.

TAKMIL; Pakistan
ThinkZone; India
Shoulder to Shoulder; Honduras
Common Ground for Africa; Kenya

Whether you are a seasoned implementer of Kolibri or just becoming familiar with its possibilities, we welcome all to join us for this community gathering.

This 90-minute session about “Alternative infrastructure, digital safety, and community networks” brought together a diverse group of speakers from different regions during the 2021 World Social Forum (WSF) on 26th January.