Dear everyone,
I hope you and your loved ones are doing well these days.
i am happy to be sharing with you this invitation to participate in a workshop organized by Portal sem Porteiras.
Some of you might be familiar with the work that PSP has been doing on community networks and feminism through a methodology that they have developed through “Nodes that Bond”.
Nodes that Bond is an experimental project of binding technology and women through circles of collective learning. To know more about this project go to:
This free form workshop aims to inspire groups of women to organize themselves within their territories in order to conquer autonomy inside and outside the world of tech.
The first round will take place on the 6th in Portuguese and the second round will take place from the 8th until the 12th in English.
Marcela Guerra and Luisa Bagope from Portal sem Porteiras Community Network want to discuss and ponder over the ways that technology is present in our lives, bring forward alternatives and share this simplicity based method of women getting together to overcome challenges.
If you or a group of women in your community are interested in learning more about this method and eventually replicating it in your own context make sure to register for the workshop at:
O Nós por Nós é um projeto que une mulheres e tecnologia em processo de aprendizado coletivo.
Iniciado em 2019 pelo núcleo de mulheres da Rede Comunitária Portal sem Porteiras, a experiência se deu através de círculos de mulheres nos quais trocamos preciosas informações e desprogramamos medos desatualizados.
Nesse encontro Marcela Guerra e Luisa Bagope irão conversar sobre os caminhos metodológicos que trilharam durante o projeto e apresentar uma apostila de trabalho que pode auxiliar outros grupos de mulheres a experimentar uma forma livre de pensar e viver a tecnologia.
Para se inscrever basta preencher o formulário: