Community Network Webinars and Events!

Osmocom, one of the projects that is leading the open source mobile telephony technologies that community networks are using, is having regular calls about how the software is progressing.

Their recordings can be found here:

Particularly, the last one was a presentation from one of the well-known community networks TIC A.C from México by Keith about “Screen Sharing peek at TIC A.C. infrastructure in Oaxaca”

TIC A.C. is an operator of Osmocom based community cellular networks in
indigenous communities of the Mexican state of Oaxaca. Keith works with
Rhizomatica and TIC A.C. and will give us some live insight into how
they operate

More information about OsmoDevCall, including the schedule for further upcoming events can be found at OsmoDevCall - Osmocom Conferences (OsmoDevCon, OsmoCon, OsmoDevCall) - Open Source Mobile Communications

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The Second EU-Brazil Conference on Digital Economy and Innovation: Connectivity and New Digital Infrastructures, organized by the Center for Technology and Society at FGV, in partnership with EU institutions, happened on 18 June.

It is possible to watch it at FGV’ YouTube here:

Further information on the participants and topics covered is available here

Essential Tools and Resources for Community Networks
Dear All,

French below

This is a final reminder to join the first session of the Summit on Community Networks in Africa season 2021/2022 tomorrow, Wednesday July 28 at 12:00 UTC.

The event, organized by Internet Society and the Association for Progressive Communications will share important tools, resources, regulatory and policy insights.

The session will give participants an opportunity to share some challenges and recommend tools that may be needed to address those gaps. Our thanks to Mozilla for supporting this session.

Chers tous,

Ceci est un denier rappel pour rejoindre la première session du Sommet les réseaux communautaires en Afrique de la saison 2021/2022 demain mercredi le 28 juillet à 12h00 UTC.

L’événement, organisé par Internet Society et l’Association for Progressive Communications, partagera des outils et des ressources importants ainsi que des idées sur la réglementation et les politiques.

La session donnera aux participants l’occasion de partager certains défis et de recommander des outils qui pourraient être nécessaires pour combler ces lacunes. Merci à Mozilla d’avoir soutenu cette session.

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This master class during the Africa Law Tech Festival 2021 discussed how regulators can better support community networks that are working to connect themselves, and the roles lawyers can play in pushing forward innovative and inclusive frameworks at the national level.

Taking place on the 5 July, it highlighted that the digital divide shows that the current approach to access is leaving too many behind. Remote regions or those with low population density, and low-income rural and even urban areas, are not profitable for large operators.

The video is available here: Africa Law Tech Festival 2021 Day 1 Live Recording - YouTube

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This Thursday (29 July), the “Lightning Talks sessions about Community Networks Technology” gathered different people who do the community networks activities to bring up the technology-related topics we need to talk about.

The recording is available here:

Find out more and join the post-event conversation:

On 28 July, Latin American initiatives came together to debate how to create community networks. In three different sessions, they discussed 1) why building community networks, 2) infrastructure and deployment aspects and 3) the sustainability of a CN.

The records are available at the links below (the sessions were held in Spanish and Portuguese):

Session 1: ¿Por qué una red comunitaria? - YouTube
Session 2: Diseño e infraestructura de una red comunitaria - YouTube
Session 3: Sostenibilidad de una red comunitaria - YouTube


Les compartimos muy felices que del 16 de agosto al 3 de septiembre realizaremos la versión virtual del Campamento del Programa de Formación de Promotoras y Promotores Técnicos en Comunidades Indígenas en Telecomunicaciones y Radiodifusión.

En este marco tendremos algunas actividades abiertas que transmitiremos por el canal de YouTube de REDES AC: REDES AC - YouTube

La programación de los eventos por semana están en las imágenes que adjunto y las charlas quedarán grabadas en nuestro canal.

Ojalá nos encontremos por esos lares y nos ayudaría mucho si nos apoyan compartiendo esta información.

Un abrazo!

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The EsLaRed Foundation announces the 24th Workshop on Internet Network Technologies for Latin America and the Caribbean (WALC). The event will be held from November 15 to 19, 2021 under the online mode. Pre-registration is open as of this moment and all the details can be obtained by visiting the official site of the event.

La Fundación EsLaRed anuncia el 24º Taller sobre Tecnologías de Redes Internet para América Latina y el Caribe (WALC). El evento se realizará del 15 al 19 de noviembre del 2021 bajo la modalidad online. Las preinscripciones están abiertas a partir de este momento y pueden conseguirse todos los detalles visitando sitio oficial del evento.

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We would like to invite you to a series of upcoming online events with community network builders from Africa, Asia and Latin America.

During three regional sessions, taking place between 26 August and 2 September, the 2021/2022 grantees of the Local Networks initiative (LocNet) will present their grant projects to other grantees, peers and partners.

Find out more and confirm your attendance below:

:black_small_square: Asia: 26th of August | 10-11:30 UTC

:black_small_square:Africa: 1st of September | 13-14:30 UTC

:black_small_square: Latin America: 2nd of September | 14-15:30 UTC

Community Network Week in LAC

This year, instead of a summit, Internet Society will promote a Community Network Week in LAC in October, in which resources will be gathered, promoted and made available for people in the region.

In the form below, people and organisations can share their resources, such as blog posts, videos, reports, stories, and discussion and other that can show the progress and challenges in community networks in the region:

@joao pls share more information :slight_smile:

Strategies and Tools for Community Network Monitoring, 27 October

Hello All,

Français ci-dessous

We invite you to join the second session of the 2021/2022 Virtual Summit on Community Networks in Africa, focusing on Strategies and Tools for Community Network Monitoring. This session will take place on 27 October, 12:00 -13:30 UTC.

As community networks grow and scale their services there’s a need to ensure quality and reliability. Network monitoring is a key component of network management, by enabling operators to review network health and performance. It allows operators to see what happens on a network, providing real-time and historical information on the usage, performance, and status of every device, application, and all data.

This online event will explore strategies and tools for implementing network monitoring for community networks. It will showcase tested tools and approaches to effectively manage and monitor bandwidth usage, network health, and performance.

Register to join now: Strategies and Tools for Community Network Monitoring - Internet Society

Kind regards,

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

Nous vous invitons à participer à la deuxième session du sommet virtuel sur les réseaux communautaires en Afrique (édition 2021/2022), qui se focalisera sur les stratégies et outils pour le suivi des réseaux communautaires. Cette session aura lieu le 27 octobre, de 12H00 à 13H30 UTC.

À mesure que les réseaux communautaires se développent et élargissent leurs services, il s’avère nécessaire d’en assurer la qualité et la fiabilité. Le suivi d’un réseau est un élément crucial de la gestion d’un réseau, car il permet aux opérateurs d’examiner la santé et les performances du réseau, en leur permettant de voir ce qui se passe sur un réseau, à travers des informations et historiques fournies en temps réel sur son utilisation, ses performances et le statut de chaque appareil, application et toutes les données.

Cet événement en ligne présentera donc les stratégies et les outils qui permettent la mise en œuvre d’un suivi d’un réseau pour les réseaux communautaires. Ainsi, la séance abordera la thématique d’outils et d’approches d’une efficacité prouvée pour la gestion et le suivi de l’utilisation de la bande passante, de la santé et des performances d’un réseau.

Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant pour y prendre part : Stratégies et outils pour la surveillance des réseaux communautaires - Internet Society

Bien Cordialement,

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Reminder Strategies and Tools for Community Network Monitoring, 27 October

Hello All,

Français ci-dessous

This is a friendly reminder to register to join the second session of the 2021/2022 Virtual Summit on Community Networks in Africa discussing Strategies and Tools for Community Network Monitoring on 27 October, 12:00 -13:30 UTC.

As community networks grow and scale their services there’s a need to ensure quality and reliability. Network monitoring is a key component of network management, by enabling operators to review network health and performance. It allows operators to see what happens on a network, providing real-time and historical information on the usage, performance, and status of every device, application, and all data.

This online event will explore strategies and tools for implementing network monitoring for community networks. It will showcase tested tools and approaches to effectively manage and monitor bandwidth usage, network health, and performance.

Register to join now: Strategies and Tools for Community Network Monitoring - Internet Society

Kind regards,

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

Ceci est un petit rappel pour vous inscrire à la deuxième session du Sommet virtuel sur les réseaux communautaires en Afrique (édition 2021/2022) qui aura lieu le 27 octobre, de 12h00 à 13h30 UTC autour des stratégies et des outils nécessaires pour la surveillance des réseaux communautaires.

À mesure que les réseaux communautaires se développent et élargissent leurs services, il s’avère nécessaire d’en assurer la qualité et la fiabilité. Le suivi d’un réseau est un élément crucial de la gestion d’un réseau, car il permet aux opérateurs d’examiner la santé et les performances du réseau, en leur permettant de voir ce qui se passe sur un réseau, à travers des informations et historiques fournies en temps réel sur son utilisation, ses performances et le statut de chaque appareil, application et toutes les données.

Cet événement en ligne présentera donc les stratégies et les outils qui permettent la mise en œuvre de la surveillance duréseau pour les réseaux communautaires. Ainsi, la séance abordera la thématique d’outils et d’approches d’une efficacité prouvée pour la gestion et le suivi de l’utilisation de la bande passante, de la santé et des performances d’un réseau.

Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant pour y prendre part :

Bien Cordialement,

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The second session of the Virtual Summit on Community Networks in Africa (2021-2022) takes place tomorrow (27 Oct) at 12:00 UTC

This online event will explore strategies and tools for implementing network monitoring for community networks. It will showcase tested tools and approaches to effectively manage and monitor bandwidth usage, network health, and performance.

Please remember to register to join:

This has just kicked off. Day 1 real time text is at

livestreamOn 15, 17, 23 November 2021 the Digital Empowerment Foundation and the Internet Society host the 5th annual Community Network Exchange Asia Pacific will be held on;line, with the theme ‘Community Networks for Social Good‘. Within this overall theme, session sub-themes will reflect on the importance of community networks in accelerating reach and providing help to the communities to respond to COVID-19 and also to benefit from digital opportunities. It will also explore the experiences and challenges faced by community networks during the pandemic.

DAY 1 – Monday November 15 2021 10:30-12:45 IST (05:00-07:15 UTC)

Session 1: The Pandemic, Digital Dependence and the Unconnected: Challenges and Opportunities
Dr Daniel Featherstone, Senior Research Fellow, ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University
Bhai Shelly, Communication for Development Specialist, UNICEF India
Amrita Choudhury, President of Internet Society Delhi Chapter, Vice-Chair Asia Pacific Regional IGF (AprIGF)
Satish Mittal**, Head, Facebook Express WiFi India**
Moderator: Rajnesh Singh, Regional Vice President, Asia-Pacific, Internet Society

Session 2: Community Networks: Empowering Education and Health Care
Talant Sultanov, Co-founder of the Internet Society-Kyrgyzstan
Meeta Sengupta, Expert on Education and Policy
Dr Regi George, Cofounder, Tribal Health Initiative, Sittilingi, Tamil Nadu
Sylvia Cadena, Head of Programs & Partnerships, APNIC Foundation
Moderator: Osama Manzar, Founder Director, Digital Empowerment Foundation

DAY 2 – Wednesday November 17 2021 10:30-12:45 IST (05:00-07:15 UTC)

Session 1: Why CN and CR are Twins
Prof. Vinod Pavarala, UNESCO Chair on Community Media, University of Hyderabad
Martin Corben, Community Media Consultant, Australia
“Radio Rob” Hopkins, Radio and Telecommunications Enthusiast Yukon, Canada
AHM Bazlur Rahman, Chief Executive Officer, Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio & Communication
Philomena Gnanapragasam, Director, Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development
Rajnesh Singh, Regional Vice President, Asia-Pacific, Internet Society

Session 2: CR & CN Case Stories
DREAM project of APC and DEF
Mew Community in Haryana, Nuh (video)
Rajnesh Singh, Regional Vice President, Asia-Pacific, Internet Society
Osama Manzar, Founder Director, Digital Empowerment Foundation

Session 3: The How and Future of CN and CR Collaboration
Naveed Haq, Regional Director, Infrastructure and Connectivity, Internet Society
Balkrishna Pokhrel, Executive Director, ACORAB, Nepal
Prof. Ralph Afolabi Akinfeleye, Chairman, Centre of Excellence in Multimedia & Cinematography, Unilag Radio 103.1FM and Television, Nigeria
Osama Manzar, Founder Director, Digital Empowerment Foundation
Rajnesh Singh, Regional Vice President, Asia-Pacific, Internet Society
Philomena Gnanapragasam, Director, Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development

DAY 3 – Tuesday 23 November 2021 10:30-12:45 IST (05:00-07:15 UTC)

Session 1: Community Networks: Media, Misinformation and Misuse
Philomena Gnanapragasam, Director, Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development
Sarbani Banerjee Belur, Asia Regional Coordinator, Community Networks, APC
Anju Mangal, Head of Asia-Pacific Region, A4AI, World Wide Web Foundation
Moderator: Anita Gurumurthi, Executive Director, IT for change

Session 2: Rural Changemakers and Innovators: Community Networks as a Catalyst for Digital Transformation
Harish Pillay, Head, OSPO APAC, Red Hat Asia Pacific
Jane Coffin, Senior Vice President, Internet Growth, Internet Society
Satyam Darmora, CEO & Founder, i2e1
Siope Vakataki ‘Ofa, Economic Affairs Officer, ICT and Development Section, ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, ESCAP
Moderator: Dr Syed S Kazi, Director, Council for Social & Digital Development, North East India




TWITTER #CNX2021 @DEFindia @internetsociety @isocapac #communitynetworks #GrowInternet #SwitchItOn

SIMULCASTS (AI Captions) (AI Captions)


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Routing for Communities film festival

The Local Networks (LocNet) initiative, led by APC in partnership with Rhizomatica, is pleased to invite you to the Routing for Communities film festival, an online screening of short films about community networks and people decentralising the internet for change. Taking place on 3 December (Friday), the film festival offers the opportunity to see a series of creative and inspiring short videos produced by communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America:

We will be publicly screening for the first time a series of short films made by communities and organisations, after a process of feedback and exchange with the LocNet initiative for the past few years. We will also present films made by APC members and LocNet partners on diverse experiences with community networks. The films capture the different contexts and initiatives of community networks around the world, exploring both the challenges and joys of their work, and also the relationship between the right to communication through access to communications technologies and other fundamental rights and ways of living.

Join us on 3 December, when 12 short films will be presented in two screening sessions of six videos each, aimed at covering different time zones: one at 9:00 UTC and another at 14:00 UTC. The sessions will also open up the opportunity for a Q&A with the filmmakers and/or community members involved in the production of the films.

Register to attend here:

Please, feel free to extend this invitation to people that would be interested in joining. And also, please, remember to register to receive your personal link to access the room.

Anthillhacks 21.22

From the 24 December 2021 to the 3 Jan 2022, AnthillHacks 21.22 will be exploring different tracks through practice as well as working sessions in collaboration with local participants.

Billing Solutions for Community Networks

Join us for the third session of the Virtual Summit on Community Networks in Africa 2021-2022.


The Community Networks (CN) movement in Africa is growing and community networks are increasingly looking for tools and resources to enhance their operations.

As community networks grow and evolve, sustainability and satisfying users becomes key. In addition, managing financial resources and charging appropriately becomes essential in the operations of community networks.

In this session, we will discuss some ideas and experience in community network billing solutions and infrastructure. This webinar will explore strategies and tools for implementing billing solutions.

The objective of this webinar is to discuss community network billing tools, solutions and how community network operators could address shortcomings in this sector. It will address the following questions:

  • Why is billing infrastructure essential for sustainability?
  • What billing tools are popularly used and why?
  • What are the challenges and shortcomings with regards to billing?

The webinar is organized by the Internet Society in partnership with Association for Progressive Communications (APC) through the Program Committee of the Summit on Community Networks in Africa, and will be hosted by the Internet Society.

Register to now for Billing Solutions for Community Networks.

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Online gathering: let’s celebrate women in community networks on 8 March

Dear friends,

To kick off our gathering for women and gender engagement in 2022, the LocNet team would like to commemorate International Women’s Day by inviting friends of community networks to a celebratory gathering where we will highlight the inspirational work done by women and gender diverse folks in different initiatives.

In the shared time together we will be shedding light on women-led initiatives and on everybody else who is present and would like to share something that she/they are proud of.

The gathering will take place on 08 March from 13:30 to 15 UTC in this room: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Interpretation to Spanish, Portuguese and English will be available

Please, kindly mark your calendars.

Looking forward to see you all soon.

P.S: bring with you an artifact that makes you feel good or that brings you happiness. We will start the gathering with a small game where you will show the artifact and write about it in the chat.

Português / Español below

[Português ]

Para iniciar nossos encontros de mulheres e engajamento de gênero em 2022, a equipe LocNet gostaria de comemorar o Dia Internacional das Mulheres convidando amigues de redes comunitárias para uma reunião celebrativa, onde destacamos o trabalho inspirador feito por mulheres e pessoas de gênero diverso em diversas initiativas.

No nosso tempo juntes estaremos lançando luz sobre as iniciativas lideradas por mulheres e entre todes que estarão presentes e gostariam de compartilhar algo de que se orgulham.

O encontro acontecerá no dia 08 de março das 10:30 às 12h (horário de Brasília) nesta sala: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Haverá interpretação para espanhol, português e inglês.

Por favor, marquem em seus calendários!

Esperamos poder conversar com todes vocês em breve.

P.S: traga consigo um artefato que te faça sentir bem ou que te traga felicidade. Começaremos a reunião com um pequeno jogo onde você mostrará o artefato e escreverá sobre ele no chat.



Para iniciar nuestra reunión de mujeres y compromiso de género en 2022, el equipo de LocNet quiere celebrar el Día Internacional de la Mujer invitando a amigas y amigos de las redes comunitarias a una reunión online de celebración, en la que destacaremos el inspirador trabajo realizado por mujeres y personas de género diverso en distintas iniciativas de redes comunitarias.

En nuestro tiempo juntxs, arrojaremos luz sobre las iniciativas lideradas por mujeres y entre lxs presentes que querrán compartir algo de lo que se sientan orgullosxs.

La reunión tendrá lugar el 8 de marzo de 13:30 a 15:00 UTC en esta sala: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Habrá interpretación al español, portugués e inglés.

Por favor, marquen sus calendarios!

Esperamos poder hablar con ustedes pronto.

P.D.: lleva contigo un artefacto que te haga sentir bien o te aporte felicidad. Empezaremos la reunión con un pequeño juego en el que mostrarás el artefacto y escribirás sobre él en el chat.

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Live now: Community Networks: Issues, Challenges and Prospects

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30 and 31 March | Online launch

Technological autonomy as a constellation of experiences: A guide to collective creation and development of training programmes

Dear all,

We are pleased to invite you to the launch of the Portuguese and French editions of Technological autonomy as a constellation of experiences: A guide to collective creation and development of training programmes for technical community promoters on 30 and 31 March. This unique publication provides resources for the participatory implementation of training initiatives based on diverse experiences and knowledge from communities around the world.

To celebrate the guide’s launch in the different languages, two online events, one in Portuguese and another in French, will gather representatives from these experiences and those involved in the publication to share their reflections on how the guide can be useful and learnings from their own training experiences.

Both events will have interpretation. Read on for further details and join us in this conversation about how to build meaningful training based not only on the technology itself but also on community interests, knowledge and needs.

Portuguese conversation

· Date: Wednesday, 30 March 2022 / 17:00 UTC

· Where: On Zoom (click here to register)

The session will be held in Portuguese, but we will offer simultaneous interpretation into English and Spanish (available at the Zoom room only).

· Participants:

o Daiane Araujo (IBEBrasil) - Brazil

o Oona Castro (Nupef) - Brazil

o Adriane Gama (PSA) - Brazil

o Tania (Coolab) - Brazil

o Alejandra Carrillo and Daniela Parra - co-authors - Mexico

o Débora Prado (APC) - moderator - Brazil

French conversation

· Date: Thursday 31 March 2022 / 14:00 UTC

· Where: On Zoom (click here to register)

The session will be held in French, but we will offer simultaneous interpretation into English (available at the zoom room only).

· Participants:

o Haruna Adamu (CITAD) - Nigeria

o Houda Chakiri (AfChix) - Morocco

o Chako Armant (La Différence) - DR Congo

o Jean Louis Fendji (Afroleadership) - Cameroon

o Alma Soto and Daniela Bello - co-authors - Mexico

o Cynthia El Khoury (APC) - moderator - Lebanon

Leia este convite em português

Lire cette invitation en français