Anthillhacks 21.22
From the 24 December 2021 to the 3 Jan 2022, AnthillHacks 21.22 will be exploring different tracks through practice as well as working sessions in collaboration with local participants.
From the 24 December 2021 to the 3 Jan 2022, AnthillHacks 21.22 will be exploring different tracks through practice as well as working sessions in collaboration with local participants.
The Community Networks (CN) movement in Africa is growing and community networks are increasingly looking for tools and resources to enhance their operations.
As community networks grow and evolve, sustainability and satisfying users becomes key. In addition, managing financial resources and charging appropriately becomes essential in the operations of community networks.
In this session, we will discuss some ideas and experience in community network billing solutions and infrastructure. This webinar will explore strategies and tools for implementing billing solutions.
The objective of this webinar is to discuss community network billing tools, solutions and how community network operators could address shortcomings in this sector. It will address the following questions:
The webinar is organized by the Internet Society in partnership with Association for Progressive Communications (APC) through the Program Committee of the Summit on Community Networks in Africa, and will be hosted by the Internet Society.
Register to now for Billing Solutions for Community Networks.
Dear friends,
To kick off our gathering for women and gender engagement in 2022, the LocNet team would like to commemorate International Women’s Day by inviting friends of community networks to a celebratory gathering where we will highlight the inspirational work done by women and gender diverse folks in different initiatives.
In the shared time together we will be shedding light on women-led initiatives and on everybody else who is present and would like to share something that she/they are proud of.
The gathering will take place on 08 March from 13:30 to 15 UTC in this room: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Interpretation to Spanish, Portuguese and English will be available
Please, kindly mark your calendars.
Looking forward to see you all soon.
P.S: bring with you an artifact that makes you feel good or that brings you happiness. We will start the gathering with a small game where you will show the artifact and write about it in the chat.
Português / Español below
[Português ]
Para iniciar nossos encontros de mulheres e engajamento de gênero em 2022, a equipe LocNet gostaria de comemorar o Dia Internacional das Mulheres convidando amigues de redes comunitárias para uma reunião celebrativa, onde destacamos o trabalho inspirador feito por mulheres e pessoas de gênero diverso em diversas initiativas.
No nosso tempo juntes estaremos lançando luz sobre as iniciativas lideradas por mulheres e entre todes que estarão presentes e gostariam de compartilhar algo de que se orgulham.
O encontro acontecerá no dia 08 de março das 10:30 às 12h (horário de Brasília) nesta sala: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Haverá interpretação para espanhol, português e inglês.
Por favor, marquem em seus calendários!
Esperamos poder conversar com todes vocês em breve.
P.S: traga consigo um artefato que te faça sentir bem ou que te traga felicidade. Começaremos a reunião com um pequeno jogo onde você mostrará o artefato e escreverá sobre ele no chat.
Para iniciar nuestra reunión de mujeres y compromiso de género en 2022, el equipo de LocNet quiere celebrar el Día Internacional de la Mujer invitando a amigas y amigos de las redes comunitarias a una reunión online de celebración, en la que destacaremos el inspirador trabajo realizado por mujeres y personas de género diverso en distintas iniciativas de redes comunitarias.
En nuestro tiempo juntxs, arrojaremos luz sobre las iniciativas lideradas por mujeres y entre lxs presentes que querrán compartir algo de lo que se sientan orgullosxs.
La reunión tendrá lugar el 8 de marzo de 13:30 a 15:00 UTC en esta sala: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Habrá interpretación al español, portugués e inglés.
Por favor, marquen sus calendarios!
Esperamos poder hablar con ustedes pronto.
P.D.: lleva contigo un artefacto que te haga sentir bien o te aporte felicidad. Empezaremos la reunión con un pequeño juego en el que mostrarás el artefacto y escribirás sobre él en el chat.
Live now: Community Networks: Issues, Challenges and Prospects
Dear all,
We are pleased to invite you to the launch of the Portuguese and French editions of Technological autonomy as a constellation of experiences: A guide to collective creation and development of training programmes for technical community promoters on 30 and 31 March. This unique publication provides resources for the participatory implementation of training initiatives based on diverse experiences and knowledge from communities around the world.
To celebrate the guide’s launch in the different languages, two online events, one in Portuguese and another in French, will gather representatives from these experiences and those involved in the publication to share their reflections on how the guide can be useful and learnings from their own training experiences.
Both events will have interpretation. Read on for further details and join us in this conversation about how to build meaningful training based not only on the technology itself but also on community interests, knowledge and needs.
· Date: Wednesday, 30 March 2022 / 17:00 UTC
· Where: On Zoom (click here to register)
The session will be held in Portuguese, but we will offer simultaneous interpretation into English and Spanish (available at the Zoom room only).
· Participants:
o Daiane Araujo (IBEBrasil) - Brazil
o Oona Castro (Nupef) - Brazil
o Adriane Gama (PSA) - Brazil
o Tania (Coolab) - Brazil
o Alejandra Carrillo and Daniela Parra - co-authors - Mexico
o Débora Prado (APC) - moderator - Brazil
· Date: Thursday 31 March 2022 / 14:00 UTC
· Where: On Zoom (click here to register)
The session will be held in French, but we will offer simultaneous interpretation into English (available at the zoom room only).
· Participants:
o Haruna Adamu (CITAD) - Nigeria
o Houda Chakiri (AfChix) - Morocco
o Chako Armant (La Différence) - DR Congo
o Jean Louis Fendji (Afroleadership) - Cameroon
o Alma Soto and Daniela Bello - co-authors - Mexico
o Cynthia El Khoury (APC) - moderator - Lebanon
The Technological Innovations for Sustainable Development, a multi-stakeholder platform around social entrepreneurship and sustainable development goals led by the Association of Progressive Communications (APC) and the Institute for Social Entrepreneurship in Asia (ISEA), is organizing its third learning session on April 11, 2022 (Monday), 14:00 - 16:00 GMT+8 (06:00 UTC) entitled, “Bridging the Gap: Addressing Policy, Regulation and Governance of Community Networks”. This activity is also co-organized by the Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism - Social and Community Enterprise Constituency.
The Community Networks learning session series aims at sharing cases of community networks located in different countries. Particularly, this third learning session provides a space to provide insights and present proposals on policy and governance of digitalization and community networks.
The recordings from the event above are available:
Session 4: Women in the Africa Community Networks Movement, 18 May 2022
Hello Everyone,
Français plus bas !
Join us for the fourth session of the Virtual Summit on Community Networks in Africa 2021-2022 on 18 May 2022 at 12:00 UTC. The Community Networks (CN) movement in Africa is male-dominated and are contributing to gender divide. So, as the community network movement continues to grow in Africa, it’s important that we view them through an intersectional and gender-informed lens.
This session will look at the role that women play in community networks, the challenges and, more importantly, opportunities for change.
Register now for Women in the Africa Community Networks Movement
Looking forward to seeing you online!
Bonjour à tous,
Rejoignez-nous pour la quatrième session du Sommet virtuel sur les réseaux communautaires en Afrique 2021-2022le 18 mai 2022 à 12:00 UTC (Temps Universel Coordonné). Le mouvement des réseaux communautaires (RC) en Afrique est dominé par les hommes et contribue à exacerber l’inégalité des sexes. Ainsi, alors que le mouvement des réseaux communautaires continue de se développer en Afrique, il est important que nous les revoyions dans une optique multidimensionnelle, en tenant bien compte de la question des genres.
Cette session examinera le rôle que les femmes jouent dans les réseaux communautaires, les défis et, surtout, les possibilités de réforme.
Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant pour les femmes au sein du mouvement des réseaux communautaires en Afrique.
Au plaisir de vous voir en ligne !
Exponential growth in tech for modern economies & systems has had negative impacts on resources and the environment. Speakers from Nigeria and Taiwan will discuss how they track pollution and hold polluters accountable.
When: 6 August (Saturday) from 11:30 to 13:30 UTC
The event will be live streamed on the Facebook of the Newbloom online maganize
Brian Hioe: Brian Hioe (丘琦欣) is a writer, editor, translator, activist, and DJ based out of Taipei. He is one of the founders of New Bloom Magazine (破土), an online magazine covering activism and youth politics in Taiwan and the Asia Pacific that was founded after the Sunflower Movement.
Sam Robbins: Sam Robbins is an editor and translator for Taiwan Insight, and a writer on tech, politics and Taiwan. He is a nobody in Taiwan’s g0v community and a former project coordinator at Open Culture Foundation. This last year, he has been working with MAJI and other international communities to promote environmental monitoring.
Okoro: Okoro Onyekachi Emmanuel is a short-length documentary film-maker, network professional, participatory project developer and environmental campaigner who have been working with marginalised groups living in rural and urban poor communities in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria for over 15 years.
Peii: Peii is a researcher of Citizen of the Earth, Taiwan (CET), specializing in advocacy to reduce factories on farmland. CET co-develops Disfactory, an illegal factory report platform, with g0v civic tech community and successfully leverages data from >1800 citizen reports on site and more than >5000 players’ data labelling on satellite images to push the government’s law enforcement, budget allocation and policy changes.
Mike Jensen: Starting his professional life as a research scientist studying the impacts of acid-rain pollution, Michael Jensen subsequently became a journalist, aiming to build public awareness of environmental issues. Over the past three decades, Mike has advised on digital infrastructure and services on behalf of governments, intergovernmental organisations, development agencies, the private sector, foundations and NGOs in over 50 countries around the world, especially in Africa.
Wulung Hsu: WuLung Hsu is the founder of LASS, a tech community promoting community engagement with environmental monitoring across Taiwan. He is a former product line director of a chip design company and currently serves as a consultant for many businesses
*On 22 September at 14:00 UTC, join this online dialogue about an upcoming report focused on community connectivity providers – community networks, municipal networks and social enterprises building digital equity across the world. Register now.
We are pleased to invite you to the launch of the “Financing mechanisms for locally-owned internet infrastructure” report, a new study that documents and analyzes the operating models and financing mechanisms that can enable community connectivity providers to expand internet access and build digital equity.
Across the world, a growing number of community networks, municipal networks and social enterprises are successfully connecting those who have historically been unserved or underserved, especially in the areas where traditional for-profit companies choose not to invest. While these community connectivity providers are building solutions to the persistent digital divide, almost all of them struggle to access capital.
This publication will provide an overview of various network models while giving a deep look at how they can be financed sustainably to provide reliable, affordable internet to communities.
The online launch will bring together experts and builders to discuss the report and strategies that can fund community-centered initiatives. It will also be an opportunity to learn more about case studies featuring concrete experiences and discuss recommendations for policymakers, funders and network builders.
The “Financing mechanisms for locally-owned internet infrastructure” report comes from a partnership between Internet Society, Association for Progressive Communications, Connectivity Capital and Connect Humanity.
When: 22 September (Thursday) 2022 at 14:00 UTC
Where: On Zoom, please click here to register.
As part of the “Connecting the unconnected: Supporting community networks and other community-based connectivity initiatives” project by APC in partnership with Rhizomatica, we invite you to a 2-day introductory course to Community Networks and its regulation in Kenya.
The sessions will serve as an opportunity for you to build your capacity as a female lawyer in Kenya and consequently strengthen your engagement in community networks in the region. To sign up send an email to [email protected]
Find ou more here.
Agents of inclusion: Community networks & media meet-up
The session “Agents of inclusion: Community networks & media meet-up” will be an opportunity to learn more about some of them during this year’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF).
This hybrid session will happen on 8 October in Kyoto (Japan) and online at 5:00 UTC. The meet-up will be a chance to show how community-centred connectivity and communication are making change. It will highlight contributions to a more sustainable and inclusive internet, such as local solar-powered servers, feminist podcasts, Indigenous social media tools and Colmena, an open-source newsroom app for community and local media organisations.
Find out more and join us:
You can follow the IGF Day Zero session “Agents of inclusion: Community networks & media meet-up” on YouTube or directly interact online as a registered participant. The subscription for the IGF is free and can be done in the Forum’s website: Home | Internet Governance Forum
El presente curso en línea, desarrollado por la Comisión Interamericana de Telecomunicaciones (CITEL) y Rhizomatica, permitirá a los participantes conocer y analizar las políticas públicas y regulatorias exitosas, y las no tanto, que a lo largo de varias décadas numerosos estados y operadores han adoptado para conectar a las poblaciones y comunidades no conectadas o subatendidas o sin asequibilidad, y paralelamente podrán entonces tener claridad sobre qué elementos son esenciales a una política habilitadora de un modelo sostenible de conectividad e inclusión digital local.
Al finalizar el curso, cada participante estará en posibilidad de adquirir el conocimiento necesario para construir una hoja de ruta para la formulación de una política y regulación habilitadoras de la inclusión digital asequible, significativa y sostenible, ya sea a nivel nacional o subnacional. Obtenga más información sobre el curso haciendo clic aquí.
We are happy to invite you to start the new year by sharing collective knowledge.
Tanda Community Network in collaboration with APC and Rhizomatica is organising a series of online webinars. They will take place over four consecutive weeks, always on Wednesdays at 13:00 UTC, providing a platform for community networks to share experiences and insights about the creation and use of knowledge resources.
The webinars will bring together diverse experts to present their activities and materials and discuss how to support learning experiences of community networks, which includes addressing not only the lack of connectivity but also the digital exclusion of marginalised communities.
Register now: Meeting Registration - Zoom
Evento en línea
¿Se puede imaginar infraestructuras digitales desde el cuidado y la solidaridad planetaria?
Jueves 29 Febrero 2024
15:00 - 17:00 UTC
Nos gustaría mucho que nos acompañen a imaginar otras sociedades digitales posibles.
Nos preocupan mucho las sociedades digitales en las que vivimos.
Creemos que es posible construir tecnologías digitales basadas en la solidaridad, los afectos y el cuidado donde la vida inter-especies sea posible y prioritaria, donde se reduzca el consumo tecnológico excesivo y se viva bajo el principio de la justa medida. Creemos en una sociedad digital donde sea posible el buen vivir.
Desde junio de 2023, mujeres y personas de otras diversidades sexuales que somos activistas, investigadoras y actoras de la construcción de otras sociedades digitales venimos intercambiando nuestras experiencias y conocimientos.
Nuestras compartirlas para continuar imaginando y construyendo otras formas digitales posibles.
Con el apoyo de la Asociación para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones (APC)
Inscríbete aquí:
Meeting Registration - Zoom