Active Infrastructure CoP June 30
Attendees: Nico, Pablo, Sol, Manoj, Sanket, ZPhoenix, bruna
Proposals to discuss:
CoP is for us to grow together, what topics we can gather around?
For you to share with the rest of the group: what has been the proposal development we have been discussion, our early drafts.
Nico: I particularly have to share about Dinesh’s project I’ve done some research.
Sanketh: how do we customize libremesh, specially lime-app, to put more localized services, what is relevant to our community. How we do a customized lime-app for our community.
Nico: I remember Hiure from coolab proposing peer-programming, like a hot-sit. Alocate 3 hours to work on that and we all work on one computer, remotely (10m each in the driver’s seat).
Sanketh: some kind of a hackaton?
Nico: define simple challenges and guide us to the process of learning. Find someone to guide us.
Pablo: what kind of changes Sanketh?
Sanketh: lime-app, in the back-end, what we want on the front page, local language so our community can do trouble-shooting.
Nico: Localizing it but also adding features and capabilities. There is one group that has already done that. Adding funcionaties to lime-app is a bigger challenge, not impossible. Go to experience of creating some simple funcionalities.
Sanketh: is there a tutorial already?
Nico: information is quite scatered. Guide: → it is done in a library that is popular but not easy to use. it is called preact.
Sanketh: we would need a forum, a wiki, to each community of developers in different countries.
Nico: build a collaborative documentation space? CoP’s forum and wiki, HW and SW modifications documentation. Practice of how to document.
Documenting what we do is essencial.
Possible projects:
- Localization and customization of what we do;
- Documentation and translating;
- Creating a CoP forum and wiki
ZPhoenix (chat) → how different is react and preact?
Nico: Routers need very small pagages, light weight, that’s why we use preact.
Nico: creating a space for Active Infra CoP:
Dinesh: most people are from altermundi and servelots?
Nico: it’s an open space, we can ask more people. Good question, what is holding people from being here?
Dinesh: maybe we should write to the community and ask if they want to join us
Nico (chat):
Nico: We can share with others what we are doing so people can join.
Manoj, Dinesh, Pablo, Sol, David → Antenna workshop replication
Sanketh, ZPhoenix → Libremesh customisations
Eric, Sankeyh → building Libremesh for other HW than LibreRouters
- be able to build own firmware
- be able to patch the firmware issues
Write/list about Janastu/Servelots mesh needs - feature request and space for learning